First of all, change to an Imbagon later, you won't regret it :P
try [heal as one][remedy signet][charm animal][barbed spear][spear of lightning], etc etc, that's always fun, even tho its better on prim ranger imo.
Guild: Leader-Legion of Avalon [LoA] Alliance-Recruiting PM for info!
For now, you'll be okay. When you get to higher levels you'll want to invest some points into Leadership as that's your main source of energy.
Since I assume you'd want to get your furry (or feathered/scaled etc.) friend, one attribute spread you could consider is (and someone correct me if my math is wrong!):
you can always go P/R Barrager. it probably wont be as effective as a R primary but it will offer more support. you'll also have higher armor vs physicals.
if not than you could stick to general P only builds like the Motigon and maybe add a R skill or too(not really neccessary though)